Bridge-Type Vertical Machining Centers
Kitamura offers an extremely line of Bridge-type Vertical Machining Centers. The impressive breadth of the line is matched by its incredible performance and rigidity. The line begins with the Bridgece3nter 6G you see pictured here which has a Cat 40 spindle and a 35.4" x 70.9" table. The line continues all the way up to the Bridgecenter 12G. The 12 G has either a Cat 50 or HSK 100 spindle and a massive 53.9" x 137.8" table. All of the Bridge-type Vertical Machining Centers in the Bridgecenter product line have rigid box ways and very fast rapid rates. The user-friendly Arumatik CNC control is utilized in this product offering as well.
The DCX Series of Double Column CNC machining centers was for customers who already knew the value of Hurco and needed larger machines for larger parts. Hurco's 2-meter, 3-meter, and 4-meter VMCs are the biggest machine tools available with the powerful Hurco control. The DCX Series is available in CAT 40 and CAT 50 spindle tapers, as well as a 5-axis spindle option, making these large machines flexible to fit any application.